"(From the lyrics of "Jungleland" by Bruce Springsteen: ) "They wind up wounded, not even dead" evokes the mood of Max Winkler's "Jungleland," starring Charlie Hunnan and Jack O'Connell as brothers so far outside mainstream society they are off the grid altogether. Like the invisible, the aimless, the unmoored, they are the walking wounded. With a script by Theodore Bressman, David Branson Smith, and Winkler, and featuring three very strong central performances and eye-catching poetic visuals, "Jungleland" is more of a mood-piece than anything else, and on that level it works beautifully. The mood is strange, sad, and hypnotic."
- https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/jungleland-movie-review-2020
We shot Jungleland over 29 days in a fat September of 2018. I was production coordinator, running the physical & digital production office in Fall River, MA. My first union POC film credit, again working beneath wonderful production supervisor, Janelle Canastra. And I actually stayed at Janelle's parents' house throughout production; Robin and Jeff are saints 🙌. Scott Free Productions / Romulus Entertainment / Big Red Films. Paramount Pictures release, 2020. Go see it.